Final Blog

Learning Objectives
The learning objectives are a
central part of the structure for the class. Basically it’s the foundation,
which is measurable and should be clearly stated. Each lesson module is required to have
objectives offered prior to starting the lesson plan. This will help students
to understand what outcomes are measurable and provide consistency with the
course. Instructors should illustrate to the students how to meet the learning
objectives and assist with any needs or problems they are having. The learning
objectives lead into assessment strategies and the course activities.
Assessment Strategies
When it’s time for an instructor to
evaluate a student’s progress an assessment tool is essential in measuring the
overall effectiveness of the course and development level of the student. The assessment tools used for this course
involves participation on the Discussion Board related to assignments, two
quizzes, a survey, presenting a PowerPoint presentation, taking a
self-evaluation quiz on emotional intelligence and writing a paper. These instruments
will reflect the overall outcome of the course and understanding levels of the
student. The challenges for the students
are to learn how to achieve a higher level of understanding and implement the
content with their everyday lives. This correlates with the instructional materials
that will help to guide the nurses.
Instructional Material
The central goal for instructional
material is to support the objectives and learning outcomes for the course. The
instructor will have the discretion to select material that will support the foundation
for the course. The resources come from online websites, scholarly articles,
and YouTube video’s along with text books.
These resources will help to guide, instruct and help to enhance the
student’s overall knowledge base related to the subject. Online learning can often be challenging and
difficult for some students to comprehend and therefore they may need to view
online details from videos (YouTube) or seek additional help from the “Help
Desk”. The instructor will present resources that are current with variability,
which will give several viewpoints on the subject of ethics and emotional
intelligence. These resources will
illustrate to students how to cite reference material when presenting their
work. This will help students learn how to interact and incorporate a variety
of resources in their work. For example, learning how to link different
websites and designing a Blog or Portfolio will help to motivate students to
the world of technology.
Navigation into Technology
Technology is challenging yet when
one learns how to navigate the Internet system the experience helps to enhance
ones knowledge base. The technology
system will not only improve the student’s learning ability but also widen the
skills for the instructor. The media support system from the school will guide
and engage the student into the next level of technology. The next level
consists of cut and paste, download material from a website, open up different
links and many other skills. These skills along with others will help to
facilitate a successful learning process for the student.
Facilitation /Commitment and Support Services
Students will learn how to
facilitate their way throughout the class with a support system from the
institutional support services. The instructor is obligated to inform the
students what institutional services are available and where to find such
services for success. The instructor
will also set standards and document what is considered a reasonable time frame
for submitting assignments. A course
syllabus and orientation package will be available, which stipulates the
requirements along with grades. The grading
process will include points for on time assignments and points taken away. All
instructions will be given prior to the due date of the first assignment. Most support
services are computer friendly and will assist with helping the students to
succeed and complete the course outline. Overall the course will demonstrate a
sound commitment to the student and provide the tools that are needed to
succeed. The instructor will maintain a high level of responsibility for
providing a course with current resources and available for any questions or
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